Dr. Uddav Paneru
Information Officer
Dr. Uddhav Paneru, PhD
Academic Qualification
B Sc. Ag (TU), MSc-Animal Breeding and Genetics (TU), PhD- Animal Breeding and Genetics (University of New England, Australia)
Position: Scientist (S2) -Animal Breeding and Genetics
Email: pnruddhav.npl@gmail.com
Mobile no: +977-9857012030
Field of Specialization
Animal Breeding and Genetics
- Paneru, U., Brown, D.J., Gurman P.M. and van der Werf, J.H.J. (2022). Investigation of methods for inclusion of systematic environmental effects in weaning and post-weaning weights for meat sheep in large scale genetic evaluation. Animal Production Science. DOI:10.1071/AN21300.
- Paneru, U., Brown, D. J., Moghaddar, N., & van der Werf, J. H. J. (2022). Impact of the order of polynomials in random regression model on the accuracy of genetic evaluation for weight traits. Paper accepted in Proceeding of the 12th WCGALP, Rotterdam, Netherlands.
- Paneru, U., Brown, D. J., Moghaddar, N., & van der Werf, J. H. J. (2021). Investigation of methods for inclusion of fixed effects for ultrasound scan carcass traits in large scale sheep genetic evaluation. Proceeding of Association of Advancement of Animal Breeding and Genetics 24: 280-283.
- Paneru, U., Dhungana, K.P., Kanu, S. and S.P. (2021). Genetic and non-genetic factors on productive and reproductive performance of indigenous buffalo. Journal of Nepal Agricultural Research Council 7: 83-91.
- Paneru U., Hem Awasthi, Ganesh Subedi, Manoj Kumar Shah and K.P. Dhungana 2017. Performance of Murrah Buffaloes:A Case of Kaski District of Nepal. In: Proceeding of the International buffalo Symposium, Chitwan, Nepal. November, 15-18, 2017, Pp:170-173.
- Dhungana,K.P. M.K Shah, U.Paneru, N.Baskota, P.Sharma and S.P Shrestha. 2017. Efficacy of ivermectin, levamisole and albendazole against gastro intestinal nematode in small ruminants in western hills of Nepal. In: proceedings of the 10th National Workshop on Livestock and Fisheries Research in Nepal. 5-7 March, 2017. Pp218-222.
- Paneru, U., M. Sharma, M. R. Kolachhapati and B. S. Shrestha. 2016. Evaluation of Productive and Reproductive Performance of Cattle in Major Dairy Production Area of chitwan and Nawalparasi districts. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, New York, USA, A 6 (1):, Pp: 69-75.
- Paneru, U., M. Sharma, M. R. Kolachhapati and B. S. Shrestha. 2015. Evaluation of productive performance of cattle in dairy pocket area of Chitwan and Nawalparsi districts. Journal of Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science. Vol:33
Work Experiences
- Scientist at National Cattle Research Program, Rampur, Chitwan, Nepal from 2022 March to till date.
- Scientist (S1) at Regional Agriculture Research Station, Lumle, Kaski, Nepal from September 28, 2015, to March 2019.
- Has worked as "Assistant Professor of genetics and animal husbandry, and farm manager" Tribhuvan University, Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science, Paklihawa Campus from February 26, 2014 to September 27, 2015.
- Completed training on "Milking to Potential" organized by Wageningen University and Research from 14h May 2018 to 25th May 2018 in Netherland.
- Completed training on "Market Access for food security" organized by Wageningen University and Research from 26th February 2018 to 16th March 2018 in Netherland.
- Completed One week training course on; “Officer Level Animal breeding and Artificial Insemination organized by National Livestock Breeding Center, Pokhara from 17- 22 January, 2012 in Nepal.
- Participated in one week training on “Infertility Management in Dairy Animals” Jointly organized by AFU, Rampur and WinRock International tutored by international expert.
- Participated in many statistical training and seminars organized by AGBU, ERS and University of New England, Armidale.
- Participated in many workshops, interactions and field day organized by Meat and Livestock Australia, Sheep Genetics, MLA resource flock, Merino Lifetime productivity project.